Ayurvedic Medicine for Immunity & Strength: Covipro Syrup


Covipro Syrup is one of the top ayurvedic medicines for immunity & strength for children formulated using various medicinal plants as recommended by Ayurveda in India. It is packed with natural anti-oxidants that fight damage caused by free radicals, which are essentially toxic molecules. It helps battle poor immunity, infections and respiratory problems etc.

Why use Covipro Syrup?

  • Prevents infections & sore throat
  • Ayurvedic alternative to antibiotics
  • Increases  body's immunity against infections

Covipro boosts strength and immunity and is safe to use formula. It can help fight infections and improve body’s strength.

Covipro can help in sore throat, cold, and coughs. It acts as a preventive medicine that positively influences one’s health.

Covipro is scientifically tested to boost immunity and is nutritive in nature.

Covipro is an effective way to boost overall health and wellbeing by boosting the immune system. Add the intake of Covipro syrup in your lifestyle today.

Best Immunity Booster Syrup - Levanza has brought Covipro syrup which helps strengthen immunity. A healthy immune system fights many pathogens and keeps us protected from many diseases. Covipro, a formulation fortified with immunity enhancing herbs like Guduchi, Punarnava, Turmeric, Ashwagandha which are clinically proven potent immuno-modulator, anti-microbial and antioxidant hence enhances immunity and maintains the energy level of your body. Weak immunity has a huge negative impact on productivity in school, professional life and even within the family. Covipro syrup is best solution to tackle problems related with poor immunity and maintain general well-being.


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